Benevolent Activities
Blood Drives:
The Tangerine Woods blood drives began in 1985 and are held three times a year. The officials at Suncoast Communities Blood Bank claim that a group as small as ours can't be duplicated for the quantity of blood we donate. Over the years, residents of Tangerine Woods have donated approximately 368 pints of blood. That number translates into 46 gallons!! We are indeed proud of the generosity of the Tangerine Woods family. When blood is requested by any of our friends and neighbors, we need have no qualms regarding the quantity or type of blood needed as we have certainly done our share.
Soup Luncheons:
A TW resident, also a cancer survivor, had an instinctive idea while reading a book...and so a women's soup luncheon originated. Each year in January, this luncheon is held as a fundraiser for St. Jude Children's Cancer Research. Women of the community prepare homemade soup, bread and cookies for all to enjoy. Tickets are available to the public. The last event's attendance totaled 200 women, many of whom were cancer survivors. The funds from this event all go to this worthy charity. The efforts of these affairs has generated approximately $14,000 for children's cancer research.
Relay for Life, American Cancer Society:
Tangerine Woods became involved in their first Relay in 2009, after a resident brought to our attention the Luminaria program to honor survivors and remember those we’ve lost to cancer. Too many of us could identify with cancer, and the way it has touched our lives, so we got involved. Since it was late in the planning stages, we had to scramble, but managed to assemble a group of greater than 60 participants, in a “55+ years of age” community, so we named our team “Tangerine Woods - 55 Plus.” Although we had a late start, we raised more than $2500 for Cancer Research. Walking the track at Lemon Bay High School, and seeing teenagers and other adults walking for the fight against cancer was a profound experience for TW residents. Therefore, there was no hesitation regarding participation, when the 2010 Relay was announced and it has been going strong ever since! Relay for Life occurs in March and each year the walk has a different theme.
The Adopt-A-Family Program was started in the early 1990's by the Sarasota County Sheriff's Department. The former Englewood Community Police Officers reached out to many different groups and organizations in Englewood to help clothe needy children at Christmas. A TW resident, volunteering at the Police Office, recognized that the program was becoming so popular that the Officers needed volunteer help. She approached the TWERC Board and the Adopt-A-Family was the first charity to be accepted and approved. Over the years the program has gained in popularity and the residents are now donating in excess of $4,000 per year. Our volunteers receive names, ages and sizes of the children and an allotted amount to be spent on clothing for each child. Wrapping day is a sight to see! Our TW clubhouse is filled with wrapping paper, ribbons, bows, boxes and bags of clothing with many people helping. Each item is wrapped and a name attached to that gift. These gifts are delivered to the families before Christmas Day by the Sarasota County Deputies. The willing participation in this program brings the true meaning and warmth of Christmas into our community.